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Posts about the Final Fantasy video game series.

I Finished Final Fantasy XIII...’s story

Submitted by Xenoveritas on

I’ve finished the story in Final Fantasy XIII. Still a ton left to do, like collect all the trophies, get the super-ultimate weapons, and what-not. (Although I’m not entirely sure how much I’m actually going to do.)

Which, I think, gives me some credit to make some comments about Yahtzee’s Final Fantasy XIII review.

Xenoveritas's Incomplete Guide to Final Fantasy XIII Equipment Upgrading

Submitted by Xenoveritas on

Based on what I've currently figured out, every item has a "multiplier" that they apply to items to determine how much XP they offer. Therefore, XP values between items are consistent between each individual item, so something that provides more XP to one item will provide more XP to another item, even if the exact amounts aren't the same.

Final Fantasy XIII: Freaking Eidolon Battles

Submitted by Xenoveritas on

The Eidolon battles in Final Fantasy XIII are stupidly hard. These are the battles where you fight against a summon monster in order to gain the ability to summon it in battle.

Now you might be assuming I'm complaining about them being challenging. Except they're not, they're basically just rapidly switching between Paradigms and mashing X. (Or A on the Xbox 360.)

No, instead they're needlessly hard because of the way they're designed.